
August 25, 2017

How should be seen Intermarium

The entire world is in a poor status of quiet, not only because the immigrants crises, but because the unpredictable behavior of Russia and North Korea. From here, Europe is involved in a process of political reshaping. Russia rewrite the borders with Ukraine and Georgia, European Union send messages about the internal reforms (not all […]

March 24, 2016

Bugetul anului 2016 şi politica de achiziţii militare – Apărare şi industrie (partea I)

New Strategy Center a realizat un document de politici publice în urma unei serii de dezbateri grupate sub titlul “Forumul Strategic pentru Apărare şi Industrie”. New Strategy Center a prezentat marţi, 15 martie, în cadrul dezbaterii ,,Bugetul anului 2016 şi politica de achiziţii militare” documentul de politici publice ,,Apărare şi Industrie”, care conţine atât o […]

March 15, 2016

Decizia CCR şi OUG privind interceptările au fost publicate în Monitorul Oficial

Decizia CCR privind Ordonanța de urgență a Guvernului privind unele măsuri pentru punerea în executare a mandatelor de supraveghere tehnică dispuse în procesul penal a fost publicată, luni seară, în Monitorul Oficial, nr. 190, partea I. Ministrul Justiției, Raluca Prună, a anunțat că Ordonanța adoptată de Guvern modifică patru acte normative: Codul de procedură Penală, […]

February 29, 2016

Strategia Energetică a României: „Analiza stadiului actual”, respectiv „Angajamentele internaționale ale României în sectorul energetic”

Ministerul Energiei a dat publicității „Analiza stadiului actual”, respectiv „Angajamentele internaționale ale României în sectorul energetic”, după discutarea acestor documente în Consiliul Consultativ. Materialul a fost finalizat de echipa noii Strategii Energetice a României la data de 15 februarie 2016. „Analiza stadiului actual” constituie o radiografie a sistemului energetic românesc, fiind o actualizare a materialului […]

February 11, 2016

Legea Securității Cibernetice (proiect)

 Warning: Proiect de lege – aflat în dezbatere publică CAPITOLUL I – DISPOZIŢII GENERALE   Art. 1 – (1) Legea stabileşte cadrul juridic privind organizarea şi desfăşurarea activităţilor din domeniul securităţii cibernetice a României şi asigurarea protejării drepturilor şi libertăţilor fundamentale ale cetăţenilor în spaţiul cibernetic. (2) Securitatea cibernetică este componentă a securităţii naţionale a […]

January 29, 2016

Munich Security Conference 2016 Report – “Boundless Crises, Reckless Spoilers, Helpless Guardians”

In the run-up to the 52nd edition of the Munich Security Conference (12 to 14 February 2016) the MSC is releasing its second Munich Security Report (MSR) featuring important trends and issues in international security. Entitled “Boundless Crises, Reckless Spoilers, Helpless Guardians” the new MSR compiles data, analyses and maps which illuminate major developments and […]

November 10, 2015

“Disinformation Review” – new EU Task Force information product

Its objective is to show the European public the high amount of such disinformation attacks that target European audience every single day, to expose the number of countries targeted, and, thus, to explain to the European audience the breadth of this problem. The data and information collected would help to conduct a better analysis and, […]

August 23, 2015

Draft agreement text between IAEA and Iran

The following is a transcript of the original draft agreement signed between the United Nations nuclear watchdog International Atomic Energy Agency and Iran covering inspections at the controversial Parchin military site, where Iran has been accused of pursuing nuclear weapons development a decade ago and is suspicious of carrying out engineering activity recently, the Associated […]

July 10, 2015

VII BRICS Summit Ufa Declaration (Ufa, Russian Federation, 9 July 2015)

1.  We,  the  leaders  of  the  Federative  Republic  of  Brazil,  the  Russian  Federation, the Republic of India, the People’s Republic of China and the Republic  of  South  Africa,  met  on  9  July  2015,  in  Ufa,  Russia,  at  the  Seventh  BRICS  Summit, which was held under the theme “BRICS Partnership – a Powerful Factor  of Global […]

April 5, 2015

Ukraine and Russia: People, Politics, Propaganda and Perspectives

When former Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovych decided to postpone an EU Association Agreement, few would have predicted that this would lead to a prolonged conflict in Europe’s borderland. Since the beginning of the confrontation, a lot has been written about its root causes, the motivations of the main actors, and possible scenarios for the future. […]

March 29, 2015

RAPORT cu privire la alertele de securitate cibernetică procesate de CERT-RO in cursul anului 2014

Obiectivul prezentului raport este analiza alertelor de securitate cibernetică colectate și procesate de CERT-RO în anul 2014, în vederea obținerii unei imagini de ansamblu asupra evenimentelor relevante pentru evaluarea riscurilor de securitate cibernetică la adresa infrastructurilor IT și de comunicații electronice de pe teritoriul României, aflate în aria de competență a CERT-RO. Peste 78 milioane […]

February 7, 2015

President Obama’s National Security Strategy in 2015: Strong and Sustainable American Leadership

President Barack Obama released an updated national security strategy (NSS) on Friday that committed the United States to lead on pressing world issues but reflected his cautious policy toward foreign intervention. The 29-page memo to Congress, required under law, broadly outlined Obama’s foreign policy priorities for the final two years of his presidency. Obama described […]

January 21, 2015

Global Risks 2015 – report by World Economic Forum

The 2015 edition of the Global Risks report completes a decade of highlighting the most significant long-term risks worldwide, drawing on the perspectives of experts and global decision-makers. Over that time, analysis has moved from risk identification to thinking through risk interconnections and the potentially cascading effects that result. Taking this effort one step further, this year’s report underscores potential causes as well as solutions to global […]

January 6, 2015

Global Chilling: The Impact of Mass Surveillance on International Writers

There is a new report by PEN American Center demonstrating the damaging impact of surveillance by the United States and other governments on free expression and creative freedom around the world. The report’s revelations, based on a survey of nearly 800 writers worldwide, are alarming. Concern about surveillance is now nearly as high among writers […]

January 5, 2015

Saxo Bank’s Outrageous Predictions for 2015

Saxo Bank, the online multi-asset trading and investment specialist, has released its annual set of ‘Outrageous Predictions’ for the year ahead. These are 10 unlikely events, even if their risk is under-appreciated, that would have significant consequences for global markets should they come to pass. This year’s predictions include the notion of a UK exit […]

December 31, 2014

Rolul Intelligence în securitatea națională

 Mona Agrigoroaiei

Ce este intelligence?  <<Termenul intelligence […] se referă la strîngerea, analiza, producerea și folosirea informațiilor despre state, grupuri, indivizi sau activități potențial periculoase. Se deosebește de alte surse de informație, pentru că adeseori, deși nu întotdeauna, informațiile se strâng în mod secret și pentru că statele încearcă să nu lase unele pe altele […]

December 9, 2014

2015 Threats Predictions by McAfee Labs’ report

With hackers becoming increasingly proficient at their trade, a number of entities – from healthcare industries to average homeowners – will be more vulnerable to invasions of privacy in the coming year. Next year, hackers will be better equipped to launch “crippling distributed denial of service attacks” on unsuspecting users, while, at the same time, […]

November 4, 2014

World Order Or World Anarchy? A Look at the Modern System of International Relations

This working paper is an examination of the modern world order. Theoretical approaches to the analysis of international relations are revised and its guiding characteristics are determined. The structure of the modern world order and its particular dynamics are revealed with the help of mathematical modeling methods. Possible directions for Russia’s policy in the changing […]

August 14, 2014

US Air Force – A Call to the Future

The U.S. Air Force recently released its newest strategy, “A Call to the Future” and it is the best of its kind put out by a U.S. defense and security entity in a long time. The new concept—“strategic agility”—will allow the Air Force to employ new technologies, better deal with increasingly powerful state and non-state […]

April 15, 2014

Princeton/Northwestern Study – The US is not a democracy but an oligarchy

Oligarchy is a form of government in which power is vested in a dominant class and a small group exercises control over the general population. A new studyfrom Princeton and Northwestern Universities concluded that the U.S. government represents not the interests of the majority of citizens but those of the rich and powerful. An April […]

April 9, 2014

Joint Press Conference with US Secretary Hagel and Minister Chang in Beijing, China

Presenters: Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel and Chinese Minister of Defense Chang Wanquan, April 08, 2014 MODERATOR: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being here. General Chang and Secretary Hagel have just completed their talks and it is our great honor to have them with us and to take your questions. First of all, I […]

April 1, 2014

NATO anniversary – “The right to choose”

On April 1, 2014, NATO celebrates the fifth anniversary of the accession of Albania and Croatia to the Alliance. In March, NATO celebrated the tenth anniversary of the accession of Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia, and the fifteenth anniversary of the accession of the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. To mark these […]

February 25, 2014

Citi’s* Report – ”Energy 2020”

North America, the New Middle East? For the first time since 1949, the US has become a net petroleum product exporting country and has edged out Russia as the world’s largest refined petroleum exporter. A simple explanation would point to lower demand and a struggling economy which requires less imported energy. But, that would only […]

February 1, 2014

Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community

US INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY WORLDWIDE THREAT ASSESSMENT – January 29, 2014 GLOBAL THREATS Cyber Critical Trends Converging Several critical governmental, commercial, and societal changes are converging that will threaten a safe and secure online environment. In the past several years, many aspects of life have migrated to the Internet and digital networks. These include essential government […]

January 14, 2014

Acord de Asociere dintre Uniunea Europeană și Republica Moldova

Atenționare: Notați vă rog faptul că aceste documente sunt puse la dispoziție doar în scopuri de informare și nu reprezintă versiunea finală a Acordului de Asociere. Acordul de Asociere Republica Moldova – Uniunea Europeană Anexe Acord de Asociere

December 15, 2013

Information Sharing Environment 2013 Annual Report to the Congress

The Information Sharing Environment broadly refers to the people, projects, systems, and agencies that enable responsible information sharing for national security. The 2013 ISE Annual Report to the Congress examines the extent to which Congress’s mandate in the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 for terrorism-related information sharing is being implemented. Start reading […]

November 20, 2013

A blueprint for enhancing understanding of and support for the EU – Ukraine Association Agreement including DCFTA in Ukraine

This publication was funded by the FCO through the British Embassy inUkraine as part of the project “Scoping Study on raising awareness on the Association Agreement including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement implementation and its impact in Ukraine”. The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and may not coincide […]

October 4, 2013

Bank of Japan – Monetary Policy Statement: Full Text /Oct. 4, 2013

The following is a version of the full text of the policy statement released today by the Bank of Japan in Tokyo. 1. At the Monetary Policy Meeting held today, the Policy Board of the Bank of Japan decided, by a unanimous vote, to set the following guideline for money market operations for the intermeeting […]

September 19, 2013

Policy Brief “Ukraine’s Contribution to Regional Security: the Case of Transnistrian Conflict”

Institute of World Policy with the support of the Norwegian government and the NATO Liaison Office in Ukraine has published a policy brief, based on the results of the fourth meeting of the Strategic Discussion Club. The Strategic Discussion Club held its fourth meeting on June 12th, 2013. It was devoted to the role of […]

September 6, 2013

The G20 Leaders Declaration – St. Petersburg 2013

G20 LEADERS’ DECLARATION – Saint Petersburg Summit 5-6 September 2013 Preamble 1.  We, the Leaders of the G20, met in St Petersburg on 5-6 September 2013, united by our continued commitment to work together to strengthen the global economy. 2.  Strengthening  growth  and  creating  jobs  is  our  top  priority  and  we  are  fully committed  to  […]

June 25, 2013

President Obama’s Plan to Fight Climate Change

Today, President Obama is putting forward abroad-based plan to cut the carbon pollution that causes climate change and affects public health. Cutting carbon pollution will help spark business innovation to modernize our power plants, resulting in cleaner forms of American-made energy that will create good jobs and cut our dependence on foreign oil. Combined with […]

March 13, 2013


STATEMENT FOR THE RECORD March 12, 2013 INTRODUCTION Chairman Feinstein, Vice Chairman Chambliss, and Members of the Committee, thank you for the invitation to offer the United States Intelligence Community’s 2013 assessment of threats to US national security.  My statement reflects the collective insights of the Intelligence Community’s extraordinary men and women, whom it is […]

January 31, 2013

NATO Secretary General’s Annual Report 2012

“Defence matters” As the New Year starts, NATO Allies have been deploying Patriot missiles to help defend and protect Turkey’s population and territory and contribute to the de-escalation of the crisis along our south-eastern border. This follows our decision in December to augment Turkey’s air defence capabilities. This decision was a concrete demonstration of NATO’s […]

December 30, 2012

Russia’s G20 Presidency strategic agenda

This paper outlines a strategic agenda proposed by Russia for the G20 in 2013 and highlights the specific priorities of the Russian G20 Presidency. Its purpose is to serve as a guide for the preparation of meetings and documents throughout the year, as well as to set the objectives for the G20 Leaders Summit in […]

October 25, 2012

DOD News Briefing with Secretary Panetta and Gen. Dempsey from the Pentagon

25 octombrie 2012 SECRETARY OF DEFENSE LEON E. PANETTA:  Good afternoon. We wanted to, if we could, open with a few comments, and then I’ll turn it over to General Dempsey for his comments, and then we’ll open it up to your questions. One of the questions that I’ve consistently been asked is how the […]

September 2, 2012

Programul Naţional pentru Eficienţă Energetică 2011-2020 – Republica Moldova

I. Introducere Proiectul Programului Naţional pentru Eficienţă Energetică 2010-2020 este elaborat în vederea implementării prevederilor Strategiei energetice a Republicii Moldova până în anul 2020, aprobată prin Hotărârea Guvernului nr.958 din 21.08.2007, Legii privind eficienţa energetică nr.142 din 02.07.2010, Legii energiei regenerabile nr.160 din 12.07.2007, Legii pentru aderarea la Tratatul Comunităţii Energetice nr.117-XVIII din 23.12.2009. Prezentul Program […]

August 1, 2012

Country Reports on Terrorism 2011

  Departamentul de Stat al US a dat publicității raportul anual pe 2011 privind evenimentele generate de grupările teroriste și acțiunile de contracarare a terorismului la nivel mondial în decursul anului 2011. Raportul integral poate fi accesat aici. Deasemenea, Daniel Benjamin, șeful Oficiului de luptă contra terorismului a răspuns, în cadrul unui briefing special, la […]

June 25, 2012

Remarks at the U.S.-India Strategic Dialogue

Remarks in opening meeting between Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton Indian Foreign Minister S.M. Krishna Benjamin Franklin Room Washington, DC June 13, 2012 SECRETARY CLINTON: Good morning, and welcome to the Third Annual U.S.-India Strategic Dialogue. Minister Krishna, a warm welcome to you and your distinguished delegation. It is a pleasure to repay the […]

June 21, 2012

The Future We Want: Draft agreement expected to be adopted at Rio+20

THE FUTURE WE WANT I. Our Common Vision 1. We, the heads of State and Government and high level representatives, having met at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 20-22 June 2012, with full participation of civil society, renew our commitment to sustainable  development, and to ensure the promotion of economically, socially and environmentally sustainable future […]

June 16, 2012

Percepția Federației Ruse în România

Notă metodologică Eşantion: Cercetarea CSOP a fost realizată pe un eșantion reprezentativ la nivel național pentru populaţia României în vârstă de 15 ani şi peste. Selecţia gospodăriilor şi a persoanelor intervievate a fost aleatoare în toate stadiile. „Eroare de reprezentativitate: ±2,9% la un nivel de încredere de 0,95. „Interviuri: Pe bază de chestionar standardizat, faţă […]

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