President Obama’s Plan to Fight Climate Change
June 25, 2013
Today, President Obama is putting forward abroad-based plan to cut the carbon pollution that causes climate change and affects public health. Cutting carbon pollution will help spark business innovation to modernize our power plants, resulting in cleaner forms of American-made energy that will create good jobs and cut our dependence on foreign oil. Combined with the Administration’s other actions to increase the efficiency of our cars and household appliances, the President’s plan will reduce the amount of energy consumed by American families, cutting down on their gas and utility bills. The plan, which consists of a wide variety of executive actions, has three key pillars:
1. Cut Carbon Pollution in America: In 2012, U.S. carbon emissions fell to the lowest level in two decades even as the economy continued to grow. To build on this progress, the Obama Administration is putting in place tough new rules to cut carbon pollution – just like we have for other toxins like mercury and arsenic – so we protect the health of our children and move our economy toward American – made clean energy sources that will create good jobs and lower home energy bills.
2. Prepare the United States for the Impacts of Climate Change
3. Lead International Efforts to Combat Global Climate Change and Prepare for its Impacts
Full document can be read here.
[…] de la Kyoto la Convenția-cadru a Națiunilor Unite privind schimbările climatice (UNFCCC). Noul plan de luptă împotriva schimbărilor climatice propus de Obama este totuşi un pas […]
[…] Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). However, the new plan to fight climate change proposed by Obama is still a step […]