Munich Security Conference 2015
February 2, 2015
Munich, Hotel Bayerischer Hof, 6 – 8 February 2015
Over the past five decades the Munich Security Conference (MSC) has become a key annual gathering for the international “strategic community”. Key topics of the 51st Munich Security Conference (MSC) will be the collapse of the international order in view of the crisis in Ukraine and its implication for the European security architecture as well as the deriorating situation in the Middle East. The global refugees crisis and the fight against terrorism will also be among the top issues at this year’s conference.
On 26 January 2015, the Munich Security Conference (MSC) has published the first Munich Security Report (MSR), an annual digest on critical questions and important trends in the field of international security policy. This year’s inaugural edition is called “Collapsing Order, Reluctant Guardians?”. MSC Report download.
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