
November 2, 2016

«Țară, țară, vrem ostași !» Pentagonul revizuiește normele de recrutare în US Army

, by ppw

Forțele armate ale Statelor Unite trebuie să utilizeze criterii mai flexibile la recrutare, a apreciat marți departamentul american al apărării. Pentagonul cere diferitelor servicii ale armatei să își revizuiască normele de recrutare, “pentru a se asigura că nu sunt prea restrictive”, transmite AFP. Printre restricțiile vizate a fi eliminate se numără greutatea peste cea ideală, […]

October 20, 2016

International Defence Exhibition and Seminar (IDEAS) 2016

, by ppw

The IDEAS-2016 team will welcome you at Karachi Expo Centre for the 9th International Defence Exhibition and Seminar (IDEAS) event from 22 to 25 November 2016. IDEAS – a biennially held defence exhibition, being the most strategically important event of the region, will once again bring together all the industry’s players across the globe to […]

January 29, 2016


, by ppw

The war in Syria, the refugee catastrophe and the crisis of the European security order are among the key topics on the agenda of the 52nd edition of the Munich Security Conference, which will take place under the chairmanship of Ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger from 12 to 14 February 2016, in the Bavarian capital (Hotel Bayerischer […]

April 11, 2015


, by ppw

The 4th edition of Moscow Conference on International Security will take place on April 16-17. Representatives of Military departments of more than 70 countries, experts and academicians as well as delegates from 6 international organizations will participate in the forum. The Russian Minister of Defence General of the Army Sergei Shoigu, Minister of Foreign Affairs […]

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